At The Lectern by Horvitz & Levy

A revealing interview with the Chief Justice

Cheryl Miller has published in the National Law Journal an interesting interview with Chief Justice Tani Cantil-Sakauye “[a]s she approaches her 10th year as the leader of California’s judiciary”:  “California’s Chief Justice on Challenging Norms.”  (The Chief Justice was sworn in on January 3, 2011.)

Cantil-Sakauye talks at greater length than before about her decision last year to leave the Republican Party after the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation hearing.  (Here and here.)  She also again discusses her very public criticism of immigration arrests in California’s courthouses.  (Most recently, here.)  Additionally, the interview touches on whether the bar exam pass score should be lowered (the court will “take another look” at the issue when “we’ll have more information to consider”) and on how long she’ll stay on the job (although she hasn’t “made any long-term plans,” the Chief Justice notes, “I could retire in October.  I would be of age and I have way more years than I need, and I could walk away and do something else”).