As we’ve done before at this time of the year, it’s appropriate to recognize Justice Ming Chin, who, according to the bios on the Supreme Court’s website, is the only current member of the court who has served in the military: “After he graduated from law school, Justice Chin served two years as a Captain in the United States Army, including a year in Vietnam, where he was awarded the Army Commendation Medal and the Bronze Star.” He was also a captain in the Army Reserves for two additional years.
We also recognize those Court of Appeal justices who are veterans (again going by court website bios) and who have served as Supreme Court pro tems:
- Fourth District, Division Three, Justice Eileen Moore: “From 1965 until 1972 she practiced as a registered nurse, including service as a combat nurse in Vietnam. She is a member of Vietnam Veterans of America.” Justice Moore was awarded the Vietnam Service Medal, the National Defense Service Medal, and the Cross of Gallantry with Palm. She chairs the Judicial Council’s Veterans and Military Families Subcommittee and served as a mentor in a Veteran’s Treatment Court. She writes a regular Daily Journal column on veterans’ issues.
- Second District, Division Six, Justice Steven Perren: “[H]e served in Vietnam as a Captain in the Army Signal Corps and served additional duty as a military prosecutor and defense attorney.”
- Third District Presiding Justice Vance Raye: In the United States Air Force, “served as an Assistant Judge Advocate at Beale Air Force Base, near Marysville, California, for four years in various positions, including Chief of Civil Law and Chief Prosecutor (Chief of Military Justice).”
- Third District Justice Harry Hull: “Captain, United States Air Force, Judge Advocate General Corps, 1972-1976, Circuit Prosecutor 1974-1976 prosecuting criminal cases including murder, sexual assaults and narcotics importation and conspiracies.”
- Sixth District Justice Eugene Premo: “He served two years as a First Lieutenant in the United States Army Counterintelligence Corps and was honorably discharged in 1959.”
- Fourth District, Division Two, Justice Art McKinster: “Commissioned, second lieutenant U.S. Army Reserve, Field Artillery. Captain, 426th Civil Affairs Company, Upland, California, 8 years’ service. Judge Advocate General’s School, University of Virginia. Branch transfer to JAG Corps after completion of studies.”
- Second District, Division Two, Presiding Justice Elwood Lui: During law school, he worked full time as a C.P.A. and “concurrently serv[ed] in the United States Army Reserve.”
- Fifth District Justice Charles Poochigian: “Served in the California Air National Guard.”
Apologies to anyone we might have missed.