At The Lectern by Horvitz & Levy

Wage-and-hour, death penalty opinions filing Monday

On Monday morning, the Supreme Court will file its opinions in Stoetzl v. State of California, Department of Human Resources and People v. Mendez, the last two undecided April calendar cases.  (Briefs here; oral argument videos here and here.)

The issue in Stoetzl is whether the definition of “hours worked” found in the Industrial Wage Commission’s Wage Order 4, as opposed to the definition of that term found in the federal Labor Standards Act, constitutes the controlling legal standard for determining the compensability of time that correctional employees spend after signing in for duty and before signing out but before they arrive at and after they leave their actual work posts within a correctional facility.  The court granted review in November 2017.

Mendez is an automatic direct appeal from a November 2004 judgment of death.

The opinions can be viewed Monday starting at 10:00 a.m.