With over 33 percent of California precincts reporting, Justices Carol Corrigan and Leondra Kruger appear to have been easily elected to 12-year terms on the Supreme Court. Each currently has received over 70 percent “yes” votes. That’s in line with recent Supreme Court retention elections.
Some on the left opposed Justice Corrigan because of her dissent 10 years ago from the court’s decision finding a state constitutional right to same-sex marriage. There was no organized opposition to Justice Kruger.
Justice Corrigan has been on the court for almost 13 years. Justice Kruger joined the court nearly four years ago, but this is her first time facing the voters. Why? Timing.
[November 7, 7:15 a.m., update: Not much change in the results overnight. Now with 93 percent of the precincts reporting, Justice Corrigan and Justice Kruger have over 71 percent “yes” votes.]