At age 67, Olga Murray retired from a 37-year career as a Supreme Court attorney, working for Chief Justice Phil Gibson and, mostly, for Justice Stanley Mosk. But she is not at all the retiring type. 30 years later, she remains devoted to an organization she founded, Nepal Youth Foundation, which has a mission of “offer[ing] hope and opportunity to Nepal’s most impoverished children by providing them what is every child’s birthright: vital healthcare, education, and a safe environment.”
The Foundation recently launched a new, law-related program. Educating Dalit Lawyers, the first phase of the organization’s Caste Equality Project, will provide law school scholarships for graduating Dalit high schoolers aiming to become human rights lawyers. Dalits are the lowest caste in Nepal and still face significant discrimination, according to the NYF website.
From the Supreme Court to Nepal
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