Tomorrow morning, the Supreme Court will file its opinions in Rodriguez v. Superior Court and In re N.R. (Briefs here; oral argument videos here and here.)
These will be the first opinions in the three cases argued in October. The third opinion — in People v. Rojas — is due by December 28.
In Rodriguez, the court is expected to address whether an incompetency commitment ends when a state hospital files a certificate of restoration to competency or when the trial court finds that defendant has been restored to competency. The court granted review in January 2022.
The issues in N.R. are: (1) What is the definition of “substance abuse” for purposes of declaring a child a dependent under Welfare and Institutions Code section 300, subdivision (b)(1)? (2) Where a child is under the age of six, does a finding of parental substance abuse alone provide sufficient evidence to warrant juvenile court jurisdiction? The court granted review in August 2022.
The opinions can be viewed tomorrow starting at 10:00 a.m.