At The Lectern by Horvitz & Levy

AB 333 gang enhancements opinion filing tomorrow

Tomorrow morning, the Supreme Court will file its opinion in People v. Clark.   (Briefs here; oral argument video here.)

When the court granted review in Clark in October 2022, it limited the issue to, “Can the People meet their burden of establishing a ‘pattern of criminal gang activity’ under Penal Code section 186.22 as amended by Assembly Bill No. 333 (Stats. 2021, ch. 699) by presenting evidence of individual gang members committing separate predicate offenses, or must the People provide evidence of two or more gang members working in concert with each other during each predicate offense?” (Link added.) More about the case here.

Clark will be the second of five opinions in cases argued on the December calendar. The other three opinions should file by March 4. Additional argued but undecided cases are the two from the January calendar (with opinions likely by March 28) and the four from the February calendar (opinions expected by May 6).

The Clark opinion can be viewed tomorrow starting at 10:00 a.m.